
La Mandragola

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la mandragola erboristerie


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Why Choose our theme?

Set your website in 5 minutes with ready Designs!

With 1 click & 3-5 minutes time, you can recreate our ready designs on your website. They are always recreated exactly as you can see on our live designs.

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La forza guaritrice della Natura Divina

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All Ready Designs Pro

Get unlimited access to all current and upcoming designs when using Rife Pro Theme. See them all!

Revolution Slider Pro

Responsive WordPress Slider Plugin that displays your content in a beautiful way included for free!

Premium Support Pro

Whenever you struggle with anything regarding Rife Pro, just hit us a message on our support forum.

Live Customizer

WordPress “Live Customizer” will help you see the changes made on your website in real time.

All Header Variants Pro

Vertical & Horizontal (Classic, Full Width, Menu Below, Centered) designs at your fingertips.

One Page Mode

Do you need great looking landing page? Use One-Page option and create a stunning parallax website.

Menu Effects Pro

Use one of the several cool menu effects to spice up your next commercial or personal website.

WooCommerce Support

WooCommerce is now the most popular eCommerce platform available on the WordPress.


Rife is compatible with Yoast SEO plugin. Use Yoast plugin to maximize your SEO game.

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E’ comune a tutta l’antichità il concetto che i rimedi per i nostri mali dobbiamo cercarli nella natura, la quale, per opera divina, può offrire all’uomo oltre che al cibo per nutrirsi e all’acqua per dissetarsi, anche le erbe per guarire i propri malanni. Forse l’uomo ha imparato dagli animali a scegliere le erbe per […]

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Nell’ Eclesiaste (38-4) troviamo scritto: “Il Signore fa produrre i rimedi alla terra e l’uomo assennato non li disprezzerà”. Le più antiche civiltà, conoscevano bene le proprietà benefiche delle piante e le sfruttavano per risolvere le malattie e le sofferenze del corpo. Il regno dei “semplici” come venivano definite un tempo le piante officinali, comprende […]

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